Seriously though? I feel like I had more freedom when I was in school with deadlines and projects creeping up behind me than I do on my actual "summer". I've pretty much just been working 5 days a week and if I wasn't in the city I was in San Jose enjoying some actual SUN.
This summer has been freezing!! Coldest summer by FAR. I'm fairly certain that it will be warmer in September/October than it will be this whole summer. Embarrassing.
I've been writing a lot. Contemplating wtf I should do or want to do after college. Looking are grad schools. Looking at potential jobs or side jobs that would entail me to shoot more. I've been shooting a lot. At least 49 rolls of film and filled up three 8 gig cf cards, it's just a matter of me developing and editing everything. Which I guess I just have to be more diligent about.
I've really gotten into architecture and have been buying and engulfing myself into interior design magazines and architecture books. I recently got an assignment in Alamo to take some photos of a couples home and send them off to their architect. Once I finish editing and making print outs for him I'll post some up here.
Some things I haven't been so good focused on is putting my website together and just re-doing the whole thing. Re-branding myself and editing all these new photos and making everything cohesive. Also I haven't done yoga or worked out in almost 2 months. I feel like dying. And I feel the pudge coming on.
I think I'll get back to editing. I'll report back soon.