Friday, April 24, 2009


It's been a while since I've been able to update. If I'm not IN school, I'm AT school, either in the dark room (which hasn't been much of lately unfortunately)...or in the digital rooms. I've been getting a lot of shoots together and in this one semester alone I've made enough for my new imac. I need a computer just for editing my photos and finally I can afford one! I've set some $ from my shoots aside as well.. because I can never spend all the money I earn.

I'm so lucky to have such sweet boys assist me. I honestly don't know what I'd do without them.

So far I've been working my ass off/calling every small gallery that I know/trying to go through any connections to find a space for the BADA show... I'm worrying when it comes down to it we won't be able to pull anything off within the next month or so...

I need to buy some more chemicals/film.... I've had one roll in my AE1 for almost 2 weeks now.. wtf. I'm trying to push myself to do at least one final in all film so I can still have time to do it ... I haven't shot much of what I want with film lately..

Monday is going to kill me... 3-4 different shoots 10 am till possibly 9 at night in 2 different cities... I need to start resting up!

PS- I've fallen in LOVE with Solve Sundsbo. I wish I could do some of his high fashion work in film...something I might try over break.