Sunday, January 31, 2010

Still can't sleep.. but my foot is

SO below was the outcome and final product of our wheat pasting adventure. Above was the 30 minutes that it took us to put it all together.

I wish I could freakin' sleep. Geez.

Listening to Sufjan Stevens new .. well kinda new album, The BQE. So beautiful. I wish I could write beautiful music like that.

Nothing too interesting to touch upon right now so I think I'll finish my tea and watch a movie or something...

I can't sleep..

Dick Beery, Zulema Carrasco, Michael J. Costa, Brad Evans, Rory Hejtmanek, Susan Hobbs, Cass Kissam, Karla Louie, Teresa Miranda, Carl Mogerley, Thomas Murphy, John Rickard, Carla Saunders, Theo Slavin, RK Stephenson, Mario Sundar, Martin & Patti Taylor, Rosella Tibig and Rikki Ward- You're all so talented and such amazing people. loves loves

Saturday, January 30, 2010

"Just shoot the shit out of anything and everything...then look back and see what you have.."

So ... My show was on sunday. Which means this was on Monday. So Monday morning I try sleeping in as much as I could. It was pretty gloomy out and I kept wishing that annoying hissing sound my broken heater makes would just shut the hell up. I finally get up, took a shower and contemplated making breakfast. Or lunch.. since it was basically noon. Theo called asking if he left his jacket at our place since it has his keys in it... but no dice. He stayed over and I did my best attempt of cleaning up the cigarettes and beer bottles up the floor from the night before. Note to self never take the trash out 5 flights of stairs to the scary basement in rainy weather. We decide to get some mexican food up the street. Horchata and rice and beans hit the spot. And you can't beat that for under 5 bucks. Unni called and asked if we wanted to go to John's place that night.
John was in the workshop and has done a lot of work with BBI- He even hosted a workshop at his old studio in Shasta in 2007. To be honest I've known of him and said hi at gallery shows but never connected with him. And I hate that. I hate just saying hi or being in the same room with someone for a long amount of time and not listening to what they have to say and to hear their story and get to know them. So Monday night I decided I would get to know him. He has amazing work..and is just extremely smart and funny. We arrived at his girlfriends' place around 7 or so. Drank some amazing Petit Syrah and munched on crackers and listened to this great Nina Simone record. We all talked about our past travels, where we want to go next, current projects we're all working on, what we want to do in the next year. It was just an overall relaxing, good time. I love when people will just invite you to their home and make you feel like you've lived there your whole life, I guess just overall hospitality.

So I'm sipping on my wine feeling a little tipsy as the night progresses and I found his girlfriends piano and start playing. I forgot how much I love pianos. It's basically the one thing I wish I could have brought to san francisco with me.. After John talks to us about his new studio and hosting some shows. He looks at our work and I fully enjoyed hearing his critiques and what he had to say. He talked to me for a while about being a gallery owner- and I told him how it's always been my dream to do what he does and how I still want to work towards that. While talking about shows and gallery stuff he was talking about sizes and when he prints - even with his darkroom prints, how he has this whole thing on the "perfect size" which I really liked.

For those who can't read my shitty fast handwriting.. it says
"I have a weird belief in one should tell you what size to print...I think size is audible...Such as HEY YOU!!! LOOK AT ME versus Pst...come here"

It's 2:30 in the morning and I'm not even sleepy. Jesus.

Friday, January 29, 2010

My friends are so fucking talented


Wake up at seven. Went back to bed because it was way too early. It looked nice out and I wanted to run but my body wouldn't let me move from my comfy sheets and newly washed covers. Yes I finally did laundry. Laundromats are weird. Got a call from Unni at ten asking if I could help him with his history class online. Thoroughly enjoyed talking about the New Masons and the Cold War and Marxism and segregation and the Gulf of Tonkin. Helped him write a kick ass essay. Miles came at three to help me do my laundry since I'm a n00b to laundromats. Unni leaves. I pack all my clothes in a suit case and grab my camera. On the way I see the most gorgeous woman and run across the street to take her photo. I get hit in the head with her umbrella. Do laundry. Come home. Watch Michael Jackson's This is It. Kinda sad. Get a call from Victor. He came with sheri to talk about Dust. Irwin comes over a bit later. We talk about the new issue and we're all pretty effing excited to have such great talented photographers this issue. We talk about putting up a show. We get hungry and get pizza. I made friends with the arabic guy behind the country and talked to him in more horrible choppy arabic. We leave and go to elliots. Moments later I am just completely stoned. So stoned I give my keys and phone to victor. I feel like I could make some bad decisions tonight. We cant decide on what to drink. We write a ton of alcohol on pieces of paper and put it in a hat. They pick mine. Rum. Oh jesus. 15 minutes later the alcohol is here and all I remember is looking at a book on Tim Burton and some photo book. I had to put it down I was getting self concious. We hang out and listen to amazing music. I find a tiny sketch book. I guess whenever anyone comes to their apartment you have to draw something. Anything. I flipped through and saw these amazing works from my friends who I had no idea could even draw. For the past two years I just saw them as friends who went to school with me and who I liked shooting with. I never stopped to think they'd be good at anything else as horrible as it sounds? I got extremely happy knowing I have such great and talented friends. I wish I had my camera then to take photos of some of their artwork.

I'll write more later today. Errands. Dig

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Quick stop

On the agenda for today:

Wheatpaste some BBI images in the mission
Farmers Market
Embarcadero fun times
Laundry at the skeevy laundromat next door
Vegan pizza tonight?

More updates when I get a minute

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A new year for new beginnings

I needed my ass to get kicked!
And what better way than for an intensive 3 day workshop of nothing but photography? BBI (black boots ink) put on an amazing workshop. I met amazing people, extremely talented photographers and made some new friends I hope that stay in touch and become closer with.

I've carried cameras with me everywhere and take shots here and there and go back to my long term projects however this weekend just kicked my ass in terms of the level of where I want to be. There is something just so pure and exciting of waking up and shooting from sunrise to sunset and working your ass off. I was extremely happy with the outcome of everything and still have to develop my tri x film to see how that came out. By the way is it odd that I've been itching to get back to school and just haul ass in the dark room? hmm

This weekend I made such amazing memories and I thought about a lot of things.

Is it too late to make a New Years resolution? I never thought of making one this year but this weekend made me realize how passionate I am about photography and just the process of getting to know the person on the other side of the lens and hearing their story. And the process of writing again. Not just jotting down information and quotes but fucking writing.

Resolution. Shoot everyday. Write everyday. And post in here again. At least every other day.

It's already 9:30 and I haven't cleaned my apartment so I think I'll get up on that. More photos/stories to come.

Link to my flickr with some photos that I took over the workshop