To be honest there is nothing more beautiful than the desert. I've been there 3 times in one year and I can't get enough of it. I love waking up to 88 degree weather at 6 am. Flat surfaces where I can run for days. Amazing new places to discover...I wanna go on a roadtrip soon.
I woke up Friday morning to the sound of the rain thrashing itself up against my window. No fucking way I'm leaving the house at 7:30 am to shoot on Embarcadero. I tried closing my eyes and put the covers over my head. I realized my room was unnecessarily cold and grabbed a blanket off the shelf for some more heat. 8:15am. More heavy rain. More regrets of moving my bed right agains my bay windows. 9:36. I'm already an hour late to class there's no point in going. 10:15. I'm up. Get dressed and hey the sun is out.
I went to my second class. Met up with a friend and took his photo. I'm still anxious to get my film back and see how it looks.
I've had this horrible feeling all weekend though to be honest- ever since friday night. I honestly feel it was food poisoning, however I went out saturday night none the less.
I feel I'm at a standstill. I'm not motivated to finish school but I'm anxious to start grad school? I haven't even taken my GRE (obviously) but I want throw myself into working towards it and studying...?
My mom took my dog back to San Jose. I think she was getting lonely. I really miss him though. He's a pain in the ass sometimes... and having the responsibility of 2 -3 walks a day, 2 meals and play/park time sometimes kills me, I love him.
I wanna take gus to the ocean. He'd like that.
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