Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The night Patrick Durkin came to town

To be fair- although we've known one another for three or four years, we both agreed that just recently it felt like it was the first time we've hung out. Before we'd always just drink or get high and he'd sneek me into bars or we'd hang out at his apartment with his funny roommates... but we never talked. Like a real conversation talk.

I wasn't sure how long he was gone for but I knew he had left San Francisco and was traveling and working on different sets for different movies. Lovely facebook notified me that he was back in San Francisco and I texted him asking what he was up to. We were in two different districts and it was already 11pm so I didn't think I'd see him at all. I get a call at 1AM asking if I'm still awake. Because I never sleep.

He came over and we just sat and talked. He told me about his travels. He talked about going from vegetarian to a vegan. He talked about how he wanted to work and live on a farm with a family. He seemed so different. Not the super drunken guy who was in love with movies I've known. He seemed healthy. Excited about everything. Loved life. It was so refreshing.

He started writing and documented his journey from Memphis to Kansas, to Boston to New York to Portland and back at San Francisco. He talked about how he did DMT, fell in love, had his first threesome, ate amazing vegan food, met amazing people, couch surfed for a month, talked about shapes, equations, geometric patterns and his new appreciation for life. You know of people who have almost-close-to-death situations, and they have a whole new out look on life. A more positive one? It was just like that. Except he didn't almost die. He just woke up one day and was just "excited about life". Which motivated me so much. I want to be like that. Not necessarily live everyday like it was my last- because honestly, I think that could get exhausting. But I just really appreciate someone who can be so amped on life and the positive things that life can bring.

It was a big and wonderful surprise seeing him. I wish him the best in his travels and goals.

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