I need to crack down more on updating this thing. I have been so busy. I feel like I haven't had time to rest my feet! And it's summer..
My second to last week of school started with a lovely notice that our apartment building had bed bugs. And we had to pack everything up. Clean every article of clothing, basically move out, and have them spray our apartment 3 times in two week periods. We JUST NOW are putting our life back together. I haven't seen any bugs ever, but one of my roommates found one in her room so we all freaked out (to be honest I couldn't sleep for one night.. I felt all gross and creepy-crawly).
I spent the 6th-12th running around in the desert on John's annual photo trip to Borrego Springs. As always, gorgeous. I left with such great experience, and made some amazing new friends. I felt last year we had more time to hang out. We went to a lot more places this year, and I shot everything in 120. Which means A LOT of scanning.
Funny thing, last year during our desert trip we went to Joshua Tree and while shooting Leah in lingerie and some guy on a motorcycle rode by, turned around, and we all had a field day with our new impromptu model. His name is Jaber and we added eachother on facebook but totally lost touch with him. Before we left I let him know we'd be in the area and he was super down to meet up. He even gave us an amazing recommendation on where to eat in Yucca Valley.
We spent a lot of our down time smoking, hanging out by the hot tub, and taking random photos. We all had an amazing time. It's my 4th trip. And it won't be my last!
I came back to San Francisco with some surprisingly nice weather and reunited with my best friend Ambyr. We celebrated her birthday and went out for some drinks. I always have an amazing time with her.
So now my life will be filled with scanning.. and more scanning... UGHHHHH